Friday, July 4, 2014

✲ When you make a phone call, let your children help you dial the number. This will help them
recognize numbers. Juga boleh minta anak tolong bacakan nombor tersebut atau mencatat nombor tersebut

✲ Continue to practice counting; count everywhere you go. While on a walk or in the car, count the
telephone poles, houses, cats, trees, etc. Count money, such as pennies. Count forwards, and backwards! Biasakan anak anak membilang apa sahaja, kuih, buah kurma, kasut, baju, stokin , buku dan sebagainya

✲ Make a number book by stapling paper together. On page one, have your child draw one object, on page two, two objects, and so on until there are ten pages.

✲ When playing with blocks, say, “You have five blocks.” Then, give them a block, and ask, “How many do you have now?” (This can be done with other objects.)

✲ Having them help you set the table will help them reinforce one-to-one correspondence; each person gets
one plate, one fork, one napkin, one cup, etc.

✲ Talk to them about how numbers are used to keep track of quantities, such as keeping score in a game or
finding someone’s home using their street address.

✲ Encourage them to solve simple problems. Ask, “There are nine crackers and three children. How can we make sure everyone gets the same number of crackers?” Provide guidance if needed.

✲ Encourage estimation. Say, “How many raisins do you think you have?” Let them guess, then check by counting. Bila kita membeli buah buahan misal, minta anak anggarkan berapa biji buah yang ada dalam plastik, kemudian bilang.


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